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Permits You'll Need To Know When Organising Outdoor Events in Singapore

NK Editorial Team

Updated: Nov 20, 2021

Prior to the setup of outdoor activities using temporary structures in Singapore, organizations and companies must apply and receive approval from the relevant authorities. Different permits are required for various types of activities that are performed during the festival, ranging from the setting up of outdoor tentages to the selling of alcohol. Let's take a look at some of the most popular types of permits needed for a smooth and efficient case.

1. National Parks Board (NParks), Singapore Land Authority (SLA), Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA)

Permissions from the respective venue are important for the initial planning of any outdoor event in Singapore. For renting venues where an outdoor event will be held, permits from landowners such as Nparks, SLA, or URA are required. Without permission from relevant authorities, outdoor activities are a no-go, and event organizers will have to find an alternative location. For outdoor activities, the SLA requires a Rental of State Property and Land permit as well as a Temporary Occupation License. Likewise, if the outdoor events are held in URA-managed venues, permits are required from the URA.

2. Building & Construction Authority (BCA)

A Permit to Use (PTU) is required for organizations conducting outdoor activities that require the use of tentage that is more than two stories high, erected for more than 60 days, has a total area of more than 2000 square meters, and has a span of more than 18 meters. Before beginning the setup of the respective temporary structure, this permit must be obtained from the Building & Construction Authority (BCA) and approval obtained.

3. National Environment Agency (NEA)

Businesses interested in handling and selling food must receive a permit from the National Environment Agency (NEA). This is for hygiene reasons, as companies are expected to obey the NEA's quality guidelines in order to ensure that the food they sell is cleanly prepared and safe to consume.

4. Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF)

There is a permit that event organizers must apply for when they use temporary structures such as a wide aluminum dome tent in a public open space that is designated for hosting events. A Temporary Change of Use permit is necessary under the Fire Protection Act. The aim of obtaining this permit is to assess the temporary structure's fire risks and ensure that adequate fire safety measures are in place in the event of an emergency. Guests who attend the event will not be exposed to any potentially dangerous fire hazards as a result of this.

5. Singapore Police Force (SPF)

Liquor License is required (mandatory) for all outdoor activities that include the selling and consumption of alcoholic drinks, and a Notice of Intention to Organize an Event is required if there are more than 5000 people attending a public event and 10,000 people attending a private event. These permits must be issued by the Singapore Police Force, and their aim is to regulate the selling of alcoholic drinks to attendees while also adhering to the Public Order Act to ensure adequate protection.

6. Energy Market Authority (EMA)

For businesses that require the use of an electricity generator for outdoor event venues without a power source, the Electricity Generation License is required. This permit is required to operate the generator as well as to ensure that the event organizers follow the safety regulations for using an external power source without endangering the public or interfering with the event.

7. Land Transport Authority (LTA)

The Singapore Government puts a high emphasis on commuter safety and mitigating terrorist attacks at all train stations, from zero garbage bins to sporadic security checks. If an outdoor event is held near an MRT station, a permit from the Land Transport Authority is required. This is to ensure the safety of both visitors and passengers, as well as to avoid obstructing, injuring, or damaging commuters and the train station's facilities.

8. Public Utilities Board (PUB)

One of Singapore's precious natural resources is clean water. When an outdoor event necessitates the use of a public water tap or the discharge of wastewater, the event organizer must obtain a permit from the Public Utilities Board (PUB). Even at an outdoor festival, hygiene can be maintained by setting up a proper system for vendors to wash their equipment. They often ensure that wastewater is discharged in a sanitary manner into the proper sewer without contaminating the source of fresh water. Finally, the PUB will be able to monitor the amount of water used during the case.


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